All your stats can be found in

your Member Services Account.
In an effort to maintain player privacy, the Team Rosters and Handicap report will no longer be published here. APA Members can still access this in your Online Member Services Account. Here’s the new website link:
Login with your existing credentials or create your new account. Please contact Omar and Zeny Mendez at the League Office for help. Call 520-1135 | Email Mahalo for your understanding.

Top Gun Tournament eligibility is based on a percentage of available points earned.
 Points Possible in the Matches You Played in your Division this Session.
 Allows a truly performance based system. Players can contribute to MVP points even in a loss.
 Top Player in each tier will receive MVP Award. Ties will be broken in the following order using regular session play data, (playoffs not included): Total number of matches played, win percentage, performance points, life‐time win percentage.
 Top 8 MVPs in each tier are invited to Top Gun Tournaments. Only players that have played half the available matches in the session will be eligible for Top Gun Tournaments. Skill level tiers will remain the same.
 The report is broken down by skill level, but Top Gun Tourneys are played by the top 8 players in each of the following tiers:







Blue Tier = SL's 2-3
Green Tier = SL's 1-3
Yellow Tier = SL 4
White Tier = SL's4-5
Red Tier = SL 5
Gray Tier = SL's6-7
Orange Tier = SL 6
 Black Tier = SL's 8-9
Purple Tier = SL 7




Top 8 in each Tier qualify for the Top Gun Tourney.


MVP Program


Eligibility requirements:
·         Player must be active in subsequent session in the format qualified. (8 or 9)
·       Player must have played at least half of available weeks in the session when report is generated. For example: In week 4 player must have played at least 2 times, in week 8 player must have played at least 4 times, etc…